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Dibs wa Tahineh

Dibs wa Tahineh (دبس و طحينة) was a monthly podcast about “the good things and the heavy things” (الأشياء الحلوة و تقيلة) in society and on the minds of the people in it. It’s an independent podcast that was created and produced by a group of friends during quarantine. Though there are no longer new episodes, it remains one of my favorite Arabic-language podcasts.  The episodes cover all kinds of topics, some pretty private and personal and some more general. Each episode includes these cool montages of song clips, talking, and other audio snippets relevant to the topic. Speaking of song clips, for our indie music fans, the name of the show, Dibs wa Tahineh is a reference to the Mashrou’ Leila song Shim El Yasmine.

Dibs wa Tahineh’s sixth episode is a general check-in entitled “keefna?” In late September 2020 when the episode came out, many countries around the world were wrapping up their sixth month of pandemic life. In the Middle East, there was - and still is - the added stress of the wars in Syria and Yemen and the Port of Beirut explosion that killed hundreds, injured thousands, and left most of the city without windows.

In this episode, people talk about how they’re doing mentally and physically. They talk about boredom and fear - fear for their health and the health of family and friends. Some people talk about their sense of security being shaken with the explosion or about feeling a sense of connection with the people, the fear, and the pain across the region. Many feel overwhelmed by all that’s going on. One guy dreams about going out with friends again. Some express a hope that things will change but, after nine years of war and so many disasters, a fear that nothing will change.

The episode starts out with an audio montage on the topic, a bit about the show, and quick intros of the people featured in this episode. I’ve transcribed and translated a few lines for you below (please excuse any spelling errors). At the bottom of this post is the song that this episode starts out with, شانتال بيطار بالحجر الصحي لريان الهبر, a song about being in quarantine. Happy listening!

اول مرة بالحياة، بحس حالي بعيش بمكان انا مش قادر استمتع فيه
For the first time in life, I feel like I live in a place I can’t have fun in.

لما اجيت سكنت بعمان، كان عندي فكرة انه بيتي هي مساحة آمنة الوحيدة. مع التفجير ببيروت انا استوعبت انه حتى مساحة هي مهددة
When I came to live in Amman, I thought that my house was the only safe place. With the explosion in Beirut, I realized that even that space was threatened.

عم بشعر بعاجز كتييير كبير. كتير كبير. كأني حاملي الف كيلو جواتي و اني مش قادرة اتصرف
I’m feeling this reeeeally big helplessness. Really big. Like I’m carrying a thousand kilos inside me and I can’t manage.

احس انه انا كمان فقد السيطرة على اي شي انا بقدر اسيطر علي و بحتاج يكون في عندي شوي السيطرة على بعض الاشياء احس بالامان فحساسي بالامان كتير مزعزع
I feel also like I lost control of anything that I could control and I need to have a little control over some things. I feel that safety, my feeling of safety is really shaken.

عنجد مش اقدر افكر ببكرة. مش اقدر اتوقع بكرة شو بدو يصير
Honestly I can’t think about tomorrow. I can’t predict what’s going to happen tomorrow.

في خوف انه ما رح يتغير اي شي
There’s fear that nothing is going to change.

Vocabulary / مفردات

الحجر الصحي
Literal translation: the health stone


ليل و نهار
Night and day

Title or topic

الحياة اليومية
Daily life


انت مش مُعتن/ة
You’re not paying attention

احساس الرعب
Feelings or a sense of horror


فجرت (فجر)

غير مريح
Uncomfortable or awkward



خرج عن المألوف
Out of the ordinary

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