Shim El Yasmine by Mashrou’ Leila

Mashou’ Leila is an internationally famous Lebanese indie band, known for their songs about politics, sexuality, and other social commentary. Their support for LGBTQ+ rights and use of religious imagery has caused some controversy in the region over the years. The band formed in 2008 as a seven-member group of American University Beirut students. Mashrou’ Leila now consists of four members: Hamed Sinno (lead vocalist), Haig Papazian (violinist), Carl Gerges (drums), and Firas Abou Fakher (guitar and keyboard).

Shim El Yasmine (شم اليسمينة), off the band’s self-titled first album, is a simple and melodic love song about one of Sinno’s early relationships. He addresses his (former) boyfriend, reflecting on what was and what could have been.

شم اليسمينة
Smell the jasmine
ودوق الدبس بطحينة
And taste the molasses with tahini
و تذكر تذكرني
And remember to remember me
يا اخي أوعى تنساني
Oh brother, don’t forget me
يا حبيبي يا نصيبي
My love, my prize

كان بودي خليك بقربي
I would have liked to keep you close to me
عرفك عأهلي وتتوجلي قلبي
Introduce you to my family and have you crown my heart
أطبخ أكلتك أشطفلك بيتك
Cook food for you, clean your house
دلع ولادك أعمل ست بيتك
Spoil your kids, be your housewife
بس إنت ببيتك وأنا بشي بيت
But your in your house and I’m in another
والله يا ريتك ما بعمرك فليت
Oh god, I wish I never let you go

وشم اليسمينة
Smell the jasmine
و تذكر تنساني
And remember to forget me


Vocabulary / مفردات

دبس / دبس السكر

Prize; fortune; destiny; share (as in the share of something that’s owed to you)

كان بودي
I would have liked
Adding the و, changes the phrase from “liked” to “would have liked”

عرفك (عرف)
Introduce you

To spoil

ست بيت
A housewife


Tayheen by Ghazall


Habaytak Bisayf by Fairouz