Law Kol El Nas by Do3souqa

Law Kol El Nas (لو كل الناس) is a somewhat nonsensical song by the band Do3souqa (دعسوقة). It was released in 2018 and got some extra attention in 2021 when it was featured in AlRawabi School for Girls, a popular 2021 Netflix show. Law Kol El Nas is in the Egyptian dialect and features many phrases in the conditional tense, a form that can be difficult to grasp when learning a language. Luckily, this song is likely to get stuck in your head for days so you’ll have the conditional tense - and all the lyrics - memorized in no time!

The music video for Law Kol El Nas has the Arabic lyrics on screen so you can follow along (and maybe sing it at your next karaoke event?). Keep an eye on the images in the video as they illustrate some of the vocabulary in the lyrics.

Lyrics by Do3souqa. Translation by Fi Kalam, with assistance from Saeed Alaktaa

لو كل الناس قالت الحقيقة, قالت الحقيقة 
If everyone told the truth, they told the truth 
تولع في الدنيا حريقة, قالت الحقيقة
They’d set the world on fire, [if] they told the truth
 هتلوث بيها البيئة, اطفي الحريقة
It'd pollute the environment, put out the fire
واقفل كل البيبان
And lock all the gates 
في ناس لسة عايشة فالماضي, عايشة فالماضي
There are people still living in the past, they’re living in the past 
ومحدش فيهم فاضي, حتى لو فاضي
And none of them are free, not a single one is free 
ماهو ممكن يعمل قاضي, واهو حتى القاضي
So maybe one of them’s a judge, and even the judge
 عايز الحق يبان 
Wants justice to be clear

عيش لوحدك في الصحاري, الي محدش فيها داري
Live by yourself in deserts, that no one knows about  
لا فيها دارك ولا داري, ولا حتى فيها باكو لبان
Your house isn’t there, nor my house, there’s not even any gum 
لو كل الناس عرفت طريقة, تقول بيها كلمة رقيقة
If everyone knew the way to say a kind word 
تنقذ بيها واحدة غريقة, او تنجد واحد كان غرقان
It would rescue a drowned woman, or save a man who's drowning

 …لو كل الناس قالت الحقيقة, قالت الحقيقة

روح عيش لوحدك على جزيرة, من غير سمير ولا سميرة
Go live alone on an island, without a single friend 
(Alternate translation: without Sameer or Sameera)
لو حتى فجيبك عملة عيرة, برضو يبقى ليها وجهان
 Even if there’s a loan in your pocket, it still shows two faces
لو كل الناس قدرت تداري, قدرت تداري
If everyone could take care, they could carry on
مين فيهم يبقى شاري, قدرت تداري
Which one of them's still caring, they could carry on
من فيهم يبقى داري, تداري
Some of them know how to care, they’re carrying on
مين فيهم مش دريان
Which of them doesn’t know


Vocabulary / مفردات

لو كل الناس قالت (الحقيقة)
If all the people said
Note that “the people” are feminine singular in Arabic

Fire or blaze

It/she/you will pollute
هتلوث = رح تلوث (لوث)

To lock or close

Empty, available, the opposite of busy
انت فاضية يوم الجمعة؟
Are you available Friday?

Knowing or my house
To know

Gentle, thin, subtle

تنقذ (نقذ) / تنجد (نجد)
She/you/it saves

جيب ج جيوب

This is a tough one, in part because multiple roots can be conjugated into this word. It can mean:
Care (as in to care for another person), indulge, favor, manage, or carry on/get by

مين فيهم
Which one of them or who among them
Literal translation: who in them


Habaytak Bisayf by Fairouz


Emta Njawzak Yamma by DAM